Our neighbors have chickens.
They're an older couple (I'd say early 70s? I feel like I might be too closer to "older" to use that term when referring to that age range, but so be it.) who just retired down here from closer in. They seem nice, if a tad extroverted.
Anyway, they also seem to travel a good bit. And that explains why they were so outgoing and friendly when they moved in, as they ask us to watch their chickens. And sometimes their dog.
I (we) don't mind doing it, honestly. The chickens are pretty easy, all things considered -- especially since I'm not doing the heavy lifting type care (coop cleaning etc.) - I'm just letting them out in the morning and making sure they have food and water and then closing the coop after they put themselves to bed in the evening. And looking for eggs. Which I get to keep if they're there.
They'd planned to head to Florida around Christmas to see family, but everyone had covid or the flu, so they postponed until this week. And two weeks ago when they asked me to do the chickens for them, I said sure.
But then we started seeing rumblings of another massive snow dump. Which of course would also coincide with hubby being on travel for work. And suddenly, figuring out how to get over to deal with the chickens when I wasn't sure if I'd even be able to get us dug out (because as much as I'd love to say the kids would do it, they need a lot of...encouragement to make it happen. And even then, they do a pretty half butted job.)
So I asked if there was anyone else who could do it.
Thankfully, she was able to find someone to do Wednesday through Sunday (covering the storm issue) as they had a snow plow on their truck and also have their own chickens so knew what to do to keep the critters from freezing (because honestly, not wanting to have a chicken death or more on my conscience was also part of my concern.)
I said I could absolutely still do Monday and Tuesday.
And now, of course, we're not looking like we're going to get much, if any snow. Maybe an inch? Maybe two?
And I feel about two inches tall.
Regardless, it's all worked out. But I still feel like an awful neighbor.
But this morning, I got a fresh egg. So there's that.