Ever notice how some people just love to make things harder than they need to be? What's sad, is I think I used to be one of them. I would run around like a mouse in a wheel worrying about trying to get stuff done on time and on and on and on...when it was out of my control. (This of course referring to group projects or things that need input from outside sources - if you're totally, 100% in charge of something you usually don't end up making things harder than they need to be...though I guess I've known some who still managed in that situation.) Anyway...this all relates to what I am now going to call "Proposal Madness".
Proposal Madness is, I'm thinking, something along the lines of Stress Induced Temporary Insanity. And just about everyone I'm working with on this proposal seems to have contracted it. I don't know if I just don't get it (in which case, ignorance is now proven to actually be bliss) or if they're making it harder than it needs to be. Here's the thing...today's the red team (not sure if this is like the Red Alert on StarTrek that, apparantly, if you watch Enterprise, started out as the Reed Alert for Lt. Reed who developed them, then probably switched to the Read Alert and then to Red Alert since you can prounounce 'read' either way. So is this the Read Team...meaning we're going to READ the proposal and edit it, or is it really named after the color and...if so, why is that? Why not the green team? Or the purple team? And what's the Pink Team? And where does it fall in the "Team" color schema?) and the first draft isn't finished. And the main "put the proposal together" team - being myself and Kate - have gotten all our pieces in, and have nagged all the pieces out of the people we can immediately reach out and touch. The pieces missing are from proposed subcontractors. So...out of our hands, it's not like it's due today, so just relax, go through the edit process and then hope the other stuff comes in, right? NO. Kate is freaking out. Kate's boss is freaking out. The guy trying to put the project plan together is freaking out.
I am not freaking out. I clearly just don't get it.
Anyway, I will take this moment to thank my husband of nearly 10 years for being a nice, constant valium for my life. He has taught me very well how to just relax and let the things you can't control float along. Of course, I won't ever be as good at it as he is or we would never get anything accomplished at home. Someone has to be a little uptight, right? (:
Beyond all this and on to more important things...my hair still rocks. (: I may very well be becoming Narcissistic. I suddenly feel the urge to check out my hair and grin into every reflective surface I pass. I find myself seeking out reflective surfaces just so I can view my hair and enjoy it. Probably a bad thing. I just keep expecting that I'm going to look and it'll be back to bland.
So, that said. I should probably stop blogging and go see if there's any way I can spread the valium around to those who are freaking out around me. Kate has poked her head into my office three times in the last 2 minutes. I'm guessing she needs some help. T-1 hour til Red Team Time. WooHoo!
6 days ago
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