For those unaware, that's a quote from Office Space. Just seems amazingly fitting today. Not sure why. It's my start up wav when I turn on my laptop and this just made sense. Of course, I'm not sure I can answer the question.
There are about six people I'd like to ask that same question as well. We apparantly have a listing on 1-800-Hire-An-Intern. There are all thes very young looking little boys wandering around the office with the emaciated hollow cheeks and slightly stringy, greasy hair, of the computer science college student. Was I ever that young? I introduced myself, trying to be friendly, but when they opened their mouth and began to say their name, my brain turned inward, perhaps in self-defense, and I found myself sitting by a waterfall that was next to a moss-covered cottage in a deep wood - reminded me slightly of Sweden (is it Sweden that has the trolls?) - watching fairies frolic in a shaft of sunlight that had wiggled its way through the canopy of leaves overhead. The vision was shattered by, "Nice to meet you." and interns walking away. So now they know my name and I should know theirs, but instead I'm going to look like a jerk because I have no fricking clue. I'd like to go back to the waterfall, please.
The top of my toe itches.
Marcus was talking in the lab the other morning about his girlfriend. They've been together for a zillion years but he has no intention of marrying her - his theory is "if it ain't broke, don't get married, cause then you will be." So another guy said he should be sure to not live in NJ or Texas because of common law marriages (they live together). Then Marcus began to expound on how it was horrible for states to have the authority to "force you into a contract" and how that was unconstitutional and blah de blah. Really annoyed me. But I think he only went on to try and yank my chain. Marcus is like that. So now whenever he says something to me, I ask him if we need a contract. It's very satisfying. I've never actually heard someone literally sputter before.
Maybe we should number all the interns like Borg - 1 of 6 and so forth. That would be way easier to remember than actual names.
I spent some time this morning feeding my roses. They're turning out very nicely - first bloom is taking place and the front porch smells heavenly. It was a little pocket of joy to wander around my teeny suburban garden and water flowers while the dogs frolicked in the grass. Every day should be so peaceful. Tomorrow I think I will bring my black & white camera with me and see if I can capture some serenity on film.
3 hours ago
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