So I was looking at the TSA website to see if I could take my knitting with me this weekend when we fly to Kentucky for a wedding (more on that later, perhaps) and was surprised at some of the things that you can and can't take on the airplane with you -- just like their website said I would be!
Knitting needles and crochet hooks are allowed. Phew. But then, specifically, so are Toy Transformer Robots. Why, I wonder, are toy transformer robots singled out for this distinction? My Little Ponies are not mentioned. Nor are Strawberry Shortcake or He-Man Figurines. What is it about toy transformer robots that terrified some TSA worker enough that they ripped it from the clinging hands of a sobbing child and said it couldn't be brought along - only to be told later by their supervisor that, no no, toy transformer robots are ok. And do wanna-be transformer robots qualify? Does my Voltron set up get on the plane as easily as Megatron? (And does it frighten anyone, even a little, that I still remember fondly these transforming robots? For that matter...I think I still know all the words for the themesong...)
And for all you girly-girls out there...your eyelash curler is OK. I know you were worried. After all, who hasn't stared down their eyelash curler in the early morning, taking deep cleansing breaths, as they ponder if the killer curler is, yet again, going to try and inflict bodily harm on its way to taking over the world or if, as one might expect, it will simply pinch your eyelashes between its soft rubber curling guards so they make your eyes look more open. Seriously...what kind of harm can you inflict with an eyelash curler? (Ok, I admit it, I've pinched my eyelid once or twice, but even that doesn't hurt so bad that I would surrender my airplane. Come on.) (For that matter, I have a battery powered, heated eyelash curler and even THAT would be hardpressed to inflict any kind of injury.) (Yeah, I have 2 eyelash curlers. I didn't say I wasn't a girly-girl.) Sure, it's listed on the "Allowed" list. But seriously, why did it have to be specifically mentioned? Having run the idea by our resident retired Marine, she can think of no useful weaponry-oriented reason to fear an eyelash curler. (And do Marines have to get special dispensation for their thumbs?)
I was terribly disappointed to see that I couldn't bring my spear gun. I try to never leave my house without it. But, I guess this one time I'll have to make an exception. Nor can I bring my cattle prod.
Really. Who travels with a spear gun and/or cattle prod? I guess I can kind of (possibly) see a spearfisher going on a diving trip and brining their own spear gun...but you can check them. Would you really try to carry it on? But a cattle prod??
They also restrict nunchucks. So all those TMNTs out there will just have to leave the Martial-Arts paraphenalia at home, or at least put it into a checked bag.
"Shocking Devices" are also specifically forbidden. Now, I'm guessing they mean something like a Tazer...but really...there are so many devices out there that are shocking. Who gets to decide if something is too shocking to go on the plane? I'd like to apply for that position.
1 day ago
ReplyDeleteand i thought you told me just yesterday that Marines were more dangerous with their ELBOWS than their thumbs... so it would be their elbows that need special dispensation.
--you know who