We finally went to see Serenity this weekend. (Yes, yes, I know I told you to go see it last weekend. We were going to go see it last weekend, but Tim got sick. Silly, silly Tim. Now he's better, so we went to the movie.) Wow. That would be my review in a nutshell. Of course, I don't like to leave things in a nutshell, so more details. Seriously though, we're talking 10 out of 5 stars. Ever leave a movie and not only feel good about paying $9 to go see it, but actually consider getting back in line and paying another $9 to go again? If not, go see Serenity. It's a good feeling.
First off, you don't have to have seen Firefly to really enjoy the movie. Yes, it will help, but don't let that put you off. There's enough background that you can pick up who the people are and what they're up to - the movie stands alone nicely. But it also is a really good fit if you did love the show. You're not bored to tears with rehashing of old story lines to catch up the rest of the audience (unlike so many sequel books that spend pages upon pages catching you up with the first books in the series. If I ever write a series of books, I'm going to put warnings in the front matter of all follow on books saying, "This book picks up where the last book left off. If you want to know the back story go buy that book, I'm not wasting my time catching you up." Sorry, pet peeve.)
The story is fast moving and all the humor and chemistry from the show is right there in the movie script - but it doesn't feel like it should've been a 2 hour special instead. It really takes advantage of the big screen. Some loose ends are tied up. Others are left loose, which of course makes me hopeful that maybe more will come. And a few things happen that you just scratch your head and want to whine "Why!?" about, but to explain what they are would spoil the movie and I just don't believe in doing that even with a little asterisked header like **Spoilers Below**. So I won't. Go see the movie.
My sister really did thank me for dragging her along.
Beyond that, the weekend consisted of lots of rain. We got 7" of rain. Thankfully, it was mostly a nice slow drizzle, so it probably actually did some good rather than simply running off like big pounding rains do. Though we did have some good pounding rain too. The puppies were a little annoyed that they had to keep going out in it, I guess they figured we should let them pee inside when it's icky out. As I told them, nope.
The only other things I really have to say are:
1) Tim has the day off today. And that is just NOT fair. I am a big fan of Columbus myself. I really think I should have the day off too so I can partake in my traditional "Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria" Dance. (Ok, I don't actually have one, but I would make one up if it got me today off.)
2) I just spent $30 at snapfish ordering prints. 189 prints. I used my 20 free prints. I think that's a pretty decent deal. Of course, it would've been even better, but I paid like $10 for shipping. Now, if they actually spend $10 on shipping I'll be amazed. But we'll see. I would just as soon pay an extra penny or two for the prints and have reasonable shipping. It's like the airlines who advertise really great fares and then tack on HUGE fuel surcharges. For example, last week there was an ad for $150 each way to London. Not bad, right? Right up until you see the fine print as you're about to check out that it's $120 per ticket each way for a fuel surcharge. Um...so, you're doubling the price of my ticket? Why isn't that false advertising? I mean seriously, go ahead and charge me tax, I know you have to do that, but roll all your other silly fees into the price so that I can see that you really want to charge $600 round trip and not waste my time looking at flight options.
3) I read more silliness from RIAA this morning, but not in depth - short snippet appears to be that they want royalties from ring tones beyond what you have to pay for them. Didn't read the whole article yet, but I'm just wondering if they want to be paid each time your phone rings? That's a big incentive to never download a ring tone right there (aside from the fact that they're annoying.) More perhaps later after I've at least marginally educated myself.
2 days ago
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