
Why, Hello....Monday

I am, apparantly, Mrs. Opposite. You may recall how in the summer, when it was a zillion degrees outside, I walked around the office in my sweater and feared I was soon to become known only as sweater girl. Well, the times, they are a'changin'. Now I'm hot. It seems that the office has turned the heat on with a vengance. And I, in my long sleeves (first to combat how cold it usually is in the office, second as a nod to the fact that the high for today is in the low 50s) am sweltering. Indeed, it's Monday.

To continue my case of the Mondays - my shoes are too small. I don't understand this. Don't your feet stop growing when you're, oh, 18ish? (Or sooner) I mean really, I haven't gotten taller in over 20 years, why did my feet get longer? Shoes that fit last year perfectly are now smooshy in the toes. They're not too narrow (i.e. my feet did not get fat). They're just too short. And before you think it, no it's not that my toenails are too long. My toenails are fine. If I hadn't planned to sit with my shoes off all day, the annoyance of this would've had me doing it anyway. (Does this mean I have a legitimate reason to go shoe shopping now?! I think it must...maybe I should check to see how many other pairs of shoes no longer fit. Hmmm...)

As a random rabbit trail - is it odd that I don't like wearing shoes when I'm at my desk but I really enjoy shoe shopping? And cute shoes in general?

However, I got my hair colored on Saturday and it now officially rocks. Say bye-bye to blonde highlights and hello to reddish copper low lights. With a nice caramel glaze. (Sounds yummy!) That and a kick butt cut have renewed my hair's lease on life, which is lucky for it because internal communications about the possibility of shaving my head were beginning due to the over proportional number of hideous, medusa-like hair days that were occurring. That does offset the Monday-ness of today somewhat.

Now I will go back to reading this white paper about how someone already did what we thought we were going to be able to do for the first time here at work. So much for innovation. (Not that I would have expected otherwise, but hey, you never know.) The note that came along with the white paper was along the lines of, "This is a good research paper, we can use a lot of their work." Ah yes. And more than likely, we'll try to patent it even though we weren't the first people to come up with it.

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