I'm so excited. I actually have work! It's such a simple thing, and I'm sure at some point in the future I'll be whining about how much work I have to do (let's face it, I'm a cyclical whiner) (maybe with time I can morph myself into a cyclical wino - speaking of which, White Merlot. Wow. Yum! Sutter Home, not the Beringer. I'm really not sure what it is about Beringer, but they must have something in their process that I just don't like because I haven't had a Beringer wine that I've every really liked. There's another good brand beyond the Sutter Home but it's escaping me currently.)
Anyway...we have a new project starting up and I get to be part of it. And what's even cooler is that I get to help with the project plan and other actual software engineering documentation. Not that we're actually implementing software engineering practices, mind you, it's just that they don't even really have an idea what it is we're trying to do, so...I figure if we get some documents put together, we'll at least have a starting point for trying to figure out what we're doing. Hopefully I can throw them together fast enough that they won't decide to just start marching without them, but we'll see.
On a slighlty related note, with this new project we have a new vendor. Yesterday I was on a conference call with the vendor and they were walking us through some of the finer administrative details. The poor guy doing the presentation got the worst case of hiccups about 10 minutes in to the thing. And proceeded to hiccup - badly - for the next hour. Really rather funny. I felt bad for him, but...we were still laughing very hard with the phone on mute. Dunno, maybe you had to be there.
And then last night, Tim and I were catching up on our DVRd episodes of Arrested Development. If you don't watch this show, you really should. We've been fans from the get go, but it just keeps getting funnier. Like laugh so hard you slide onto the floor funny. I wonder that they're able to tape the show with straight faces. That, my friend, is acting. Anyway, watch it, you'll love it. (And if you don't, well...you can question my sense of humor, I guess.)
There you have it. I will now go back to the previously scheduled requirements document.
2 days ago
If you have nothing to do, you can read my blog. :-) Thanks for sharing what's up. lgp
ReplyDeleteOh, my other blog is more fun...
See you there! lgp