
More fun Quizzy Stuff

Saw these at Lintefinial Musing as well as Blogginoutloud...too much fun.

Your Elf Name Is...
Booty Mince Meat
You Are a Traditional Christmas Tree
For a good Christmas, you don't have to re-invent the wheel.You already have traditions, foods, and special things you bring out every year.


  1. Booty Mince Meat!? That just does not fit. Or does it? What have you been doing these past 10 years? (Thanks for the Christmas letter, wow, time flies!) lgp

  2. Yeah, I didn't think so either. If I go with my full name (well full first and last) I get Furry Mc Flurry. Which doesn't seem to fit either. Full, full name is Candy Hot Chocolate. Kinda like that one better but it just occurred to me to try it.

    Glad you got the letter. Time does indeed fly! :)
