
Laugh-Along With Loony Limericks

Ok, as promised, my weekend contest is this: compose an amusing limerick.

Rules are as follows:
1) Must be rated no more than PG (so all your men from Nantucket need to stay home).
2) Can be on any topic
3) You can enter as often as you like
4) Must be an actual Limerick. To get help figuring out how to write a limerick, may I suggest this site.
5) Enter by posting a comment.

Limericks will be judged as follows:
1) Other contestant and reader votes
2) Funny-ness
3) Use of puns are always a plus

Prize: A note on the sidebar (with a link to your blog if you've got one) indicating that you are the Poetry Potentate of the week.

Limerick Example, as written by me:
There are songs in my iPod I hate
yet it seems that they're part of my fate
Though I try to delete
They come back and repeat
and like nails on a chalkboard, they grate.

Have fun!


  1. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Aha! I fixed it! Norton was blocking the pop-ups, the evil thing. So here we go:

    An antivirus program was installed,
    By the name Norton it was called,
    Post comments, I could not,
    For a week Spam was caught,
    Because the stupid thing firewalled.

    Okay, not the greatest, but I gave it a shot. :)

  2. Don't you love it when Norton protects you from yourself? :) Sheesh. Glad you fixed it!!

    And I think it's a good Limerick. :)

  3. Well it is a known fact that I prefer double dactyls but I'll take a shot.

    Brokeback's a movie so brave
    Gay cowboys makeout in a cave
    the critics have sworn
    "A classic western is born"
    And John Wayne rolls over in his grave.
