
A Little Olympic Quizzy Fun

You Are Curling

What you lack in athleticism, you make up for in concentration.
And while curling isn't much more of a sport than bowling, you *can* win a gold medal for it!

From fellow Curler, CalTech Girl

What's sad is that I happened to flip on the Olympics last night and, lo and behold, there was curling. And I looked at Tim and said, "Why on earth are they showing this on prime time TV." Followed closely by, "This is a sport?" Now, let me follow up with just one more little question - if they will show curling in the winter games, why will they not broadcast the archery tournaments during the summer games? Cause those I would watch.


  1. Shouldn't curling be part of the Hairdressing Olympics along with Highlighting and Shampooing?

  2. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Hilarious, Dane...and yes, I think it should. ;-)

    Beth, you gotta admit, it's about time that curling gets a little prime time...I was tired of having to wait up til 2 am to see it!

  3. Do I really have to, Gwynne? Really?

    Oh...ok. :)

    (Though secretly I'm much more with Dane -- can't you hear the commentators, "She's coming up with the razor, watch her hand position, it's a little unconventional to have the comb tilted like that and...oohhh...that's too bad, those layers are just never going to hang right." )

  4. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I think you guys need to find a producer. *lol*
