
A Little Llama Linky Love

Oooh! The LlamaButchers have added me to their blogroll! If you haven't popped over there before - you really should (and honestly, you should've before now cause they're quite fun/neat/amusing/informational). Thanks, Llamas!


  1. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Before I head over there, please tell me they don't actually butcher llamas... :)

  2. Nope, no actual llama butchering going on. :) Just humorous observations.

  3. Congrats! You've made it to the big time. ;-) When I "get" them, they are hilarious, but often I don't have a clue what they are talking about. 8-}

  4. Thanks Gwynne. I tend to get them a lot - but maybe I'm strange that way...ok, I AM strange that way. :) I owe it all to Jen since it was from her blogroll that I found them in the firstest place.

    Not sure about the big time thing though. I just think it's cool.

  5. You totally deserve the Butchers's endorsement. :-) Congrats!
