
So unmotivated

It's Saturday night at 9:11 p.m. and I'm sitting here trying to write a paper. Another networking paper. I really don't get how people find networking interesting at all. I have read and re-read the same paper three times now (this is a paper I need to use as research for my paper) and I can't honestly tell you what it's about, other than generically. And once this one is done, I'll still have 3 more papers to write for this class. All on various and sundry network type things. I really think I'd rather have my eyes pecked out by buzzards.

In other news, in a rash of unmitigated procrastination, I bought a new pair of slacks and new shoes today. I'm jazzed about the shoes as they should go quite nicely with my suits (which is what I typically wear to work since I am on a customer site) and they have a little lower heel than what I've been wearing lately, which I'm hoping will help with the ankle pain that has started resurfacing. (Old tennis injury - basically, I stepped forward to hit the ball, missed, stepped on it instead, ankle went left, ball rolled right. Ligaments were damaged severely. ER docs words were "You wish you'd broken this, it would heal faster and better." I don't really play tennis anymore, I don't think it's the game for me.)

And now, I will get back to work on my oh-so-exciting paper, cause I just checked and apparently it is not going to write itself. *sigh*


  1. Anonymous9:41 PM

    I can relate to that injury! I was trying to do this fantastic manoeuvre with a soccer ball (we won't mention that I was trying to impress a guy) and instead of kicking it, stood on it and fell over (like you, the ball and my ankle going in different directions)... I managed to chip bone off my ankle and had to have physio. I still get pain from time to time too. I don't play soccer any more *wonder why?

  2. Anonymous9:52 PM

    So many papers to write! I'm so glad I'm not you right now :) I can't even write a friggin' blog post, for goodness sake!

  3. Anonymous12:49 AM

    This all sounds like normal weekend burn-out from the work week! Feel better - it's Sunday.

  4. Anonymous12:50 AM

    PS - OUCH!

  5. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Yay on the new shoes, but hugs on the paper!

  6. Thanks :) Hopefully today will bring good creative writing and I'll make a dent. 1 page down, 3 to go to hit the minimum. I'm banking on minimums. :)
