Your Brain is 60% Female, 40% Male |
![]() Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female You are both sensitive and savvy Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve | does having my heart on my sleeve go along with many people telling me I'm hard to know? I kinda think it can't be know? Otherwise, well, ok whatever.
Now, I do feel that a little exploration of the questions at hand is in order. Shall we get into the mind of the quizmaker a bit?
"If a friend who's gained weight asks you if she looks fat, you:
a. are completely honest
b. consider sparing her feelings."
So...if I consider sparing her feelings but then go ahead and am completely honest, which one do I check? Seriously. There's so much that would depend here - how good of friends are we? Does she really want to know or is this a fishing expedition? (Usually you can tell the difference.) Are we currently in a clothing store in or near the dressing rooms? And which one is the "Male" answer vs. the "Female" answer? I think most men, at this point, have been conditioned to lie like a rug in this situation, regardless of the answers to any of the above questions. But women are supposed to be more sensitive and caring, right, so would that involve sparing her feelings too?
"If a friend has a problem, it becomes your problem as well. True or False"
Um...if you check "True", you need to see a therapist. Seriously. It's just not mentally/psychologically healthy to go around assuming the problems of people, whether you're male or female. And it's kind of insulting to think that women do this all the time - what, we're all codependent?
"You could marry for money if the person was a billionaire. True or False"
I don't see which is supposed to be the female answer here. People keep marrying Donald Trump. And it's not for his looks. And I can't think of a single female billionaire out there - so it's not like men have a lot of chances, unless they can find a gay billionaire...and Bill Gates is already married. So I guess it's women who would say true - because we're just shallow, money oriented people. The question for men would be then "You could marry someone really ugly, if the person was a billionaire." Right?
Regardless, fun quiz, seen all over, but let's give props to Gwynne.
...and Bill Gates is already married.
Good points about how the quiz may have been graded. I didn't try to second guess which answers were "female" and which were "male" (or if these people really know what they are doing and look for combinations of answers that define M vs. F). But good analysis, by someone who has obviously created some quizzes of her own. ;-)
Well, I didn't try to second guess while I was answering but afterward I was like, "Hey - some of those are kind of insulting." so I went back to take another look.
ReplyDeleteI get a little annoyed by rampant male/female stereotyping though, so that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.