I have to say that this weekend was just what the doctor ordered. First let me say how pleased I was to see more of an emphasis put on the Memorializing of those who have fallen while serving this country.
Saturday was the first grilling of the season, on Tim's new grill (he dashed out to a sale Friday night and came home with a stellar replacement for the old grill that was murdered by strong winds throwing it across the deck.) My folks came down and my sister and her hubby came over and we had ribs and corn and potato salad and a generally good time for all.
Sunday was basically just hanging out after church. In the evening my sister and her hubby came over again and we played Civ IV into the wee hours of the night.
Monday was more hanging out, a little more grilling, and a bit of homework (though probably not as much as I should've done, but...maybe tonight I can get it squared away.)
And now I'm back at work and already eyeball deep in meetings and things that didn't get squared away on Friday like was supposed to happen. It's supposed to get up to 96 today, with a heat index of over 100. Here comes summer...with a vengeance.
1 day ago
Sounds much like my weekend...much relaxing and grilling (and grouting). Glad yours was restful.