
Behold! The Manga Mask!

Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Manga Mask
Your Superpower is Willpower
Your Weakness is Reruns of the Cosby Show
Your Weapon is Your Force Sword
Your Mode of Transportation is Space Shuttle

What the heck is a Manga? Anyone know?
I'm not stubborn. You can't convince me that I am.
"Dad is great...he gives us chocolate cake!"
Mmmm...force sword....
Yeah, baby. Space shuttles are stylin.

Props to Rachel for the fun quizzie.


  1. My superhero profile:
    Your Superhero Name is The Aqua Tornado
    Your Superpower is Raised by animals
    Your Weakness is Frogs
    Your Weapon is Your Particle Pitchfork
    Your Mode of Transportation is Catapult

    I really like the Particle Pitchfork ... that's cool :)

  2. Those are just too funny. I have no idea what a manga might be. Sounds like some sort of fruit face mask to me. ;-)

  3. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Your Superhero Profile

    Your Superhero Name is The Dog Mutant
    Your Superpower is Willpower
    Your Weakness is Sailors
    Your Weapon is Your Flame Launcher
    Your Mode of Transportation is Seahorse

    Ok The Dog Mutant??? Oh well at least my weakness is Sailors ;)

    It's Friday!!!Yeahhhhh

  4. I got curious about what a manga is too so here is what it is: Literally translated, manga means "random (or whimsical) pictures". Manga (漫画, Manga?) is the Japanese word for comics and print cartoons. Outside of Japan, it usually refers specifically to Japanese comics. Manga developed from a mixture of ukiyo-e and Western styles of drawing, and took its current form shortly after World War II. It comes mainly in black and white, except for the covers and sometimes the first few pages.

    Popular manga is often adapted into anime (cartoon animation) once a market interest has been established. (Manga is sometimes mistakenly called "anime" even when not animated.) Adapted stories are often modified to appeal to a more mainstream market. Although not as common, original anime is sometimes adapted into manga (such as Neon Genesis Evangelion and Cowboy Bebop).

    So know you know...hehe! Glad you enjoyed the quizzes!

  5. Rach - cool! Thanks a bundle. :)

    Lynellen - I like yours...it's fitting ;)

    Dawn - that is a good weakness to have. :) And the flame launcher - don't forget the coolness of the flame launcher!

  6. Your Superhero Name is The Psychic Mariner
    Your Superpower is Artificial Intelligence
    Your Weakness is Atomic Explosions
    Your Weapon is Your Web Crossbow
    Your Mode of Transportation is Scooter

    Well if you have to have a weakness, you might as well have one that will vaporize you and most matter within a mile or so.

    I love the name. I will have to use it in one of my games this weekend at Origins.
