

A while ago - and it was probably close to a year ago - I heard about Pandora. It's a fascinating idea and I used up my 10 free hours (which is what they were offering at the time) and seriously contemplated the $19.95 sign up fee just to have it at work. Then I switched offices where I could no longer stream music, got an iPod, you know, didn't really need it anymore.

Well...deciding that I wanted music this evening rather than the TV for background noise (since I'm trying to study), and realizing that I left my iPod at home, I hopped back over to Pandora wondering if perhaps I had a little time left on my 10 free hours. I was a little nervous, wondering if they had disappeared (don't hear about them much) or if I didn't have any free time yet I wasn't sure about the benes of paying at this point....but they have free memberships now!

You have ads on the page. Whoopie. It's not like I'm browsing in that browser, it's just playing the music. So, consequently, I am now enjoying (mostly - that's the slight downfall, Pandora is a lot like going to a friend's house and putting their CD player on random. You're friends, so you probably have some stuff in common, they have other stuff you find you really like, but then there's that stuff that makes you scratch your head and wonder if you really should still be friends with them) a musical ramble that started off with Nichole Nordeman and Barlow Girl.



  1. You may want to try out Yahoo also. You can create your own radio station and it is free.... always...


    Also, I saw your comments over at Reign of Ellen's place... loved it!

    Good job.

  2. Cathy, I'll have to check out Yahoo, free is always nice. :) The thing I love about Pandora is that you name an artist or song that you like and then it keeps playing songs that are similar based on various factors and you can give thumbs up/down and it will modify what it's playing based on what you say about the songs it chooses, so you can find some really cool artists you might otherwise have not found.

    I almost didn't post that under my name at Ellen's this time cause I didn't want to start a fight but it just seemed like someone needed to step up and say something. :) So thanks.

    Thanks for stopping by!
