Just before noon, I rambled across the little patio/plaza area outside the 2nd floor of our building. It's a lovely, shaded, brick and grass area where smokers gather to pollute the air just outside the doors. But once you wade through the haze, it's a very pretty place to sit and enjoy a few moments respite, or just amble across and down the stairs to the street and the lunching options that await. It was in this general direction I was headed when I heard
*chuckchuckchuck* *screee*
The *screee* part being much like that of the cry of a hawk or falcon (or bird of that variety, you know the one, right?) So I stopped and looked, first on the ground, because it had sounded kind of weak. Too loud to just be far away, but there was something definitely "off" about it. Visions of a wounded bird on the ground plagued me, so I scoured the area, ear at the ready for any sound that might lead me in the right direction.
There was nothing. But the sound was louder, so I said to myself, "Well, self, maybe it's in the tree and injured or in the sky directly above." A quick glance at the sky revealed no circling birds, so I carefully inspected the branches of the tree just in front and above me.
And locked eyes with a squirrel. "Hello," I offered with a smile, and continued scanning the branches. But then movement and *chuckchuckchuck* *screee* snapped my gaze back to the squirrel, who was now engaged in much tail and fur fluffing and waggling of its head.
I can only surmise that this noise was eminating from said squirrel. Can someone tell me if the little guy was ill or attempting to entice a girl squirrel or about to dine on human flesh or...? I looked on my way back, but he, and the noise, were suspiciously absent.
7 hours ago
Any of these squirrel sounds match what you heard?
I knew someone who had time to consult the magical Google would find them! It was either the first one (amazingly labeled "Squirrel" -- the most likely candidate) or the 3rd (labeled SquirrelGrey). Hmmm....Tea! SquirrelGrey! Hot! Or not.
ReplyDeleteThat's what squirrels do when they are annoyed or feel threatned. I see and hear it all the time, I live in the country.
ReplyDeleteToo funny! Makes you kind of wonder...
ReplyDeleteWell I was neither annoying or threatening the little guy, so I hope whoever/whatever was doing so ended up leaving him alone. Kinda cool to emulate a predator with the hawk screech though. :)
ReplyDeleteAll that, and not one mention of "baby" squirrels, Eric? Beth, I can tell that you and Eric are definitely related when you start posting squirrel stories. ;-)
ReplyDeleteEric, I always knew Texans were squirrely :) Or did you say the squirrels were Texan? (I come from a long line of Texans - my grandfather was a Texas Ranger for many years.)
ReplyDeleteGwynne, I had no crocodile stories for you, so this was the best I could do!
Yeah, ours used to do the same thing if we did not fill the corn and nut box for them or if Joxer happend to be at the window chomping at the bit to go after them in the yard.
ReplyDeleteI have heard the squirrels screech here in CHI and I couldn't believe it was coming from a squirrel???
ReplyDeleteI thought maybe it is rabid!
lol lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalal chuckchickchuck boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo chuchuchuchuchuchupooojiohjgi