Warning: Here be spoilers and I have no foldy thing. If you don't wanna know, then I will quote to you Chicago, "Look away, baby, look away."
I thought the roach coach assignment was great and I loved the whole commentary on the way there of "I won't be intimidated if it's a fancy restaurant." Ha! You're running a restaurant of one, kiddos. I'm not surprised that Virginia won the challenge - seriously, her sandwiches looked filling and tasty - two things I imagine that go a very long way to people who are exerting themselves for a living. Especially in comparison to the lobster salad - um, it's a salad. I was a little surprised that they didn't like Heather's, but then again, maybe they were hoping for something a little out of the ordinary and grilled chicken and fries is something they could get anywhere. And frankly, I don't even remember what Sara made. That's how good an impression it made.
I was surprised at the ridiculous comments that Virginia won because she can "shake her money maker." Um, everyone else (well, not Keith) was flirting with the construction workers too - so how do we think that figured in at all? Can we say sour grapes, boys and girls? (Though I guess if I was spending my entire day cleaning crabs I might be annoyed too, but still, must we be catty?) That said, Virginia should've spent more on each of them gift-wise from her shopping trip. And I would've gotten them the same thing so that there was no carping. Yeah, ok, funny to get Sara the cow, but...poor taste. It really showed just how very young Virginia is.
Dinner service - only Heather stood out. But the problem is, she is still very inconsistent. Yes, she works her tail off when she feels motivated, but other times she totally drops the ball. Sara is consistently bad. Virginia is consistently bad. Keith is consistently pretty good (at least usually above average.) But Heather is all over the map. I did think it was hillarious that none of the 3 celebrity chefs was impressed with the food - seemed like they messed it up more than anything else. I'm guessing they're all breathing a sigh of relief that there's no competition there.
Virginia did the right thing when she said she didn't deserve to be there anymore. Heather did the right thing by also nominating Sara. But I think Ramsay also did the right thing by going back to being a man of his word and giving Virginia the choice to stay or not. The jury's out on whether Virginia did the right thing by choosing to stay because, well, she doesn't deserve to be there honestly - she doesn't have the chops - and I'm guessing unless someone severs an artery she'll go next week (despite it being, yet again, "The most shocking elimination ever!!!!" Whatever. They're turning into the boy who cried wolf.) On the other hand, Sara's gone and I had to do a little happy dance that her snotty attitude and patronizing drawl will no longer be around. Especially since Heather was all "Oh he won't send you home, you're in" before hand and they're toasting their final three before they even went out there. Have they never heard the cliche about counting chickens? I had to chortle just a tad. Plus, did I mention that Sara's gone?
Ok, now, with next week being, yet again, the most shocking elimination ever - if I'm going to be shocked, Keith has to go home. Otherwise I'm not going to be shocked. Unless Ramsay goes home and cans the show because the chefs left are pathetic and he's not risking his reputation on them. That would work too.
7 hours ago
Sara made some thing with quail, which I'm thinking wouldn't go over too well with the construction worker set. But who knows? Maybe construction workers in LA have a loftier palatte than say, Northern Virginia?
ReplyDeleteSo happy that Sara was gone.
The rest of your assessment is spot on, as usual.
Indeed, excellent commentary. Happy dance was my term too.
ReplyDeleteThe way I put it was that the chicken sandwiches and fries were too McDonald's; too lowbrow. The Quail was the opposite.
Jen - Thanks for the reminder - quail. Sheesh. I totally drew a blank and all I could remember was her speaking really poorly accented Spanish. :)
ReplyDeleteJay, I totally agree - the McDonald's comparison is perfect! And yeah, I can be a bit of a foody but even I don't really like quail - I think you have to have a particular palate to enjoy it. I'm guessing there were many happy dances in many homes last night!
great great review of the show.
ReplyDeleteI missed the whole beginning with the roach coach and instead got in where virginia won being "safe". Thanks for filling me in on that!
i was certainly happy that sara went home. After all that though, even if virginia was still "safe" and heather would have to choose keith, then sara would still be going home, there would absolutely be no question.
I'm just so glad she's gone. I've been saying from the start, it's between heather and keith. i don't even know how virginia is going to make it at this point. why is she still there?
look you fat mouthed beep beep beep! That was the beep beep I have ever seen. Virginia is a beep beep because her beep is so beep beep beep she lacks any beep talent.
ReplyDeleteKeith and his pants? I mean beep beep beep, can he at lest pull' em up? Beep!
I say Sarah is a beep. Her beep beep is old and beep.
Just my thoughts. :)
Glad I could help, Yoshi (and hi, thanks for stopping by!) I tend to agree that it's going to be Heather and Keith as the last 2.
ReplyDeleteMark - yes, well...there is definitely that. :) At least they bleep it?