
Friday Roundup

I'm struggling to come up with frivolity today. Several reasons for that, not the least of which being that my current place of enslavement employment needs a swift kick to the head with a steel toed boot so it can just finally be put out of its misery and motivate those of us who hate job hunting (i.e. myself) to be forced to do so. As fascinating as it is to sit and watch a company implode violently all over itself, all the while singing gustily about how wonderful everything is, my tolerance for same has taken a nose dive. Thus the kick to the head. Or someone needs to get me another pitcher of Kool-Aid.

So to motor off in search of other, more cheeful things, I give you the following:

  • Gwynne has a very good post about perspective (something I needed very much today)
  • Christina has linked to the next installment of the final 2006 blogvella (in which I will participate later this month). Haven't read it yet, but am clicking that way as soon as I hit post!
  • Robert the Llamabutcher is celebrating Margaret Thatcher's birthday. May I just comment on how cool it is that he was a research assistant in Parliment? Tres cool.
  • There's not a new entry yet that I've seen, but the Bonny Glen crew are on their way to the West coast and journaling fun adventures as they go. (This is one of the boons of surfing other people's blogrolls - you find neat blogs. Growing up to be like Melissa doesn't seem like it'd be a bad thing at all.)
  • And then there's always a chance to catch up on Michelle's Ireland trip recap and any new tidbits on the publication of her debut novel (now officially retitled Her Irish Warrior).

There's probably other good stuff out there, I just haven't had time to get to it yet (please don't feel slighted if you posted the world's best blog entry today and I didn't mention you.)

Have a happy Friday and a fantabulous weekend!


  1. Thanks for the link! :-)

    And I'm going to go read Bonny Glen because I'm in desperate need of an escape. I hate job hunting too...I'm praying for a swift kick to my own head, something to force me to get out and look. I'l add you to my prayers. ;-)

  2. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Hang in there, Beth! I'm sure work will level off soon and get better. :)

    And if it doesn't, you can always come work for me and make flash book previews. Christina Dodd has a cool one: http://www.christinadodd.com/videos_free.php

    You know you want to....:)

  3. Thanks Gwynne, prayers are good. I need a swift kick to a different part of my anatomy, I fear. :)

    Michelle - if only I knew flash! That is a cool preview. Now, you know I'm willing to learn flash to help you out - don't you need a book cover first though? (Course that might buy me some time to learn flash ;) )
