
TAR 10 - Like a Dream Come True Edition (Spoilers Ahead)

Not a recap, just random thoughts:

  • The Brothers Win gained *huge* points in my book. They even said they had set out to play the game a certain way and they were going to stick to it, even if it meant they were out. I'd've been heartbroken if it hadn't turned out the way it did, but I loved the fact that they were ok with it. Talk about having ideals and sticking to them when it can potentially cost you everything.
  • In contrast to that, you have the Skin-Deep Queens, who continue to represent every negative stereotype that exists about pageant participants. I think it's certain that neither of these girls won Miss Congeniality. Unfortunately, it continues to pay off (and had it not been for the Win brothers, I probably would have had something in the title about how only the awful people seem to prosper on "reality" shows) and they were not eliminated. Please let my mental "yet" come true soon!
  • Kentucky managed to save themselves - due only and completely to the Brothers Win - which they recognized and worried about. Props to them for understanding and not being ungrateful. Mr. Kentucky babbled on about how this show takes your dreams and makes them reality as they're geared up like firefighters and creeping toward a faux oil-fire to get their fast-forward.
  • Alabama Catty actually managed to not be catty this episode - perhaps they were simply overshadowed by the Skin Deep Girls, not sure. But there's trouble a'brewin' between the four of them, it seems. Anyway, they and the pretty boys chose the right detour option. I laughed when one of them commented that the camel needed to quit with the attitude. Tim then laughed until he teared up and literally slapped his knee in hilarity when shortly thereafter they showed a closeup of the camel baring its teeth and protesting. I couldn't decide which was funnier - the picture or Tim splitting a gut. He rewound that scene several times and there might have been mention of "Big! Pointy! Teeth!" a few times as well.
  • I did not lose the bet that since climbing was involved that Peter would make Sarah do it and then be seen lounging. Of course, he got his at the end when Sarah says for the world, "He's not a kind individual." You got that right, babe. Sorry to see her go. Not sorry to see him depart. (Him leaving is also part of the "dream come true" idea - except from my perspective.)
  • Gradually I am really starting to like Rob & Kimberly. Strange. Very, very strange.

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