
What is this, an epidemic of quitting sickness?*

It's very sad, but there seems to be an epidemic of quitting sickness going around. However, fear not! I am not quitting! (I have to have something worthwhile to do at work every day.)

I know that made all 47 of you heave a collective sigh of relief. (Well, maybe not those of you who googled in here while wondering why people have a problem with the Kiwi accent. But let me assure you, I have no problem with the Kiwi accent, in fact I find it quite nice.) (Also maybe not those of you looking for information on "cheater hybrid carpool stickers", you might not be sighing in relief.)

However, I have a quandry for those of you who might be more versed in blog etiquette...bletiquette? Blogiquette? Anyway, you know what I mean. The quandry is thus: Do I delink people who announce for the world to see that they're quitting? Do I move them to a blog graveyard blogroll? Do I leave them alone hoping they'll come home wagging their tails behind them?

The thing is, presumably until their hosting company eats up their blog space, they'd still be giving me a link. So I don't really want to be a meanie and unlink them, but if they've announced that they're quitting (and in fact have then stopped posting), I don't really want them cluttering up the sidebar (I'm OCD that way). Thoughts?

Beyond that, I just want to say to all you quitters out there: you'll be missed. Even if I do end up delinking you.

*Bonus points for identifying the movie I stole/modified this from.


  1. I'm leaving Bloggin Outloud on my blogroll until he comes out of retirement yet again. In the words of the Terminator, he'll be back. At least I hope so. ;-)

    And I have no idea the origins of your post title. Can I buy a vowel?

  2. I usually wait a year. But that may just be my own arbitrary timeframe. :-)

    I'm waiting for Jen to name the movie. I don't know what it is, and she's the film guru. ;-)

  3. Gwynne, I'm skeptical about his "quitting" thing myself, but we'll have to see. Vowel: I (that'll be $250 please)

    Jami, a year sounds reasonable...I guess I can live with the clutter that long. ;)

  4. They're just things I like to read - my personal bookmarks, if you will. For a little while I entertained the idea that I wanted to focus on "evolving" in TTLB but...well...let's just say I've never yet won a popularity contest and I'm not thinking that the Internet is the place where it's going to happen either. So I just link what I like. As such, leaving them around is a good idea, but tagging them as quitters is probably also a good idea so that I dont' send my beloved 5 actual readers astray.

    As for A League of Their Own, close but no cigar. And by close I mean in the sense of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, though Tom Hanks has a Bacon number of 1 (having worked directly with him in Apollo 13) and the title male role of the movie in question has a Bacon number of 2, needing one intermediary step. So...close. But no bacon. :)

  5. Very common mistake - I sometimes forget that there's no crying in a sleeping sickness epidemic.

    Ok...hint: The character speaking is named Linus.

  6. The only thing I can think of with a linus in it is peanuts hehe. I just quietly delink since that person is not updating any more and I would have to keep checking back to see whether they are still there to link to.

  7. Ok, since no one else knows the "answer" ... the movie is "Sabrina". Harrison Ford is Linus Laraby and he calls his assistant in the middle of the night and tells her to do a bunch of things which includes waking a bunch of other people up. And he says, "What, is there an epidemic of sleeping sickness??!"

  8. Anonymous6:21 PM


    Quitting is not serving me as well as I thought.......now my mind is full of crap and no where to unload it.


  9. You could unquit, Beth! :) I'd be all for that. Or post now and then...don't leave us all alone.
