
Memes, Glorious Memes

Susie tagged me with this meme and, well, it seemed like a good start to the morning. So, here we go...

A - Available/Single? Neither, very happily married
B - Best Friend? Tim!
C- Cake or Pie? Cake. Definitely cake.
D - Drink Of Choice? Sadly it's probably water. But I do also enjoy my coffee and one Diet Pepsi a day.
E - Essential Item You Use Everyday? Lotion. I have very dry skin.
F - Favorite Color? You know, my answer to this really always depends on "for what?" My favorite color to wear is black - it's very flattering on me. In certain situations I love purple and green (not mixed together, mind you, as separate entities). Blue is always a winnner as well. But I'm coming to enjoy some of the deeper browns lately, too. So, um. Can I just say I don't have one and be done?
G - Gummy Bears Or Worms? Worms.
H - Hometown? Woodbridge, VA
I - Indulgence? Boooooooooks! (Yeah, I stole that one from Susie, but she put it just exactly right!)
J - January Or February? February. First, I love saying Feb-ROOO-ary. It's just fun. Second, it does have my birthday in it. Thirdly, it's unique amongst months and that is always a good thing (to be unique among your kind.)
K - Kids & Their Names? Human kids or dog kids? Dog kids are Cassi & Meg. Human kids are not currently available for comment, however, I have named all my imaginary children. But as I may some day be blessed enough to use those names, you'll just have to wait. It's good for you. Or at least that's what people are always telling me.
L - Life Is Incomplete Without? Pets.
M - Marriage Date? August 12, 1995.
N- Number Of Siblings? 1 sister.
O - Oranges Or Apples? Ummmm....depends. If they're the really huge naval oranges with the thick skin that after you peel are still the size of a softball, than oranges. If they're the oranges you can find up here (which are basically just juice oranges as far as I can tell) then I guess apples.
P - Phobias/Fears? Snakes
Q - Favorite Quote? Sadly, I'm really not a quote person. I will see them and think "Aha! What a wonderful quote." and then it'll be gone before I can find a useful place to use it. Happily, my mom sends me tons of quotes in her family letter, so I always have a new batch to appreciate.
R - Reason to Smile. I know that my Redeemer lives.
S - Season? Fall. Or Winter. I'm happy with either.
T - Tag Three People? Lynellen, Gwynne and Beth
U - Unknown Fact About Me? Gosh, I just used my good ones. Um...I type about 70 wpm.
V - Vegetable you don't like? Lettuce
W - Worst Habit? Sadly I think I'm coming to realize I'm a bit of a whiner.
X - X-rays You've Had? Collar bone (twice), ankle, fingers, jaw and teeth
Y - Your Favorite Food? Cheese. I could live solely on cheese, I think.
Z - Zodiac Sign? Pisces


  1. Anonymous10:39 AM

    I was sitting here reading this meme and I thought, this one is cool! I hope she tags me. And you did! I'll have to work on it today.

  2. I was reading along, enjoying learning a bit more about you and, wham, there was my name. Gulp.

    Did you break your collar bone? I fell out of bed and broke mine at the age of 3. And I still remember the miserable body cast they made for me!

  3. Beth - I'm glad you thought it looked fun, I almost didn't tag you :)

    Gwynne, gotta keep things interesting you know. I did break my collar bone. Twice. In the same place. The 2nd time was just about 3 weeks after I finally got out of the splint for the first one. Ended K with a broken collar bone, started 1st grade with a new one. Really lousy summer, that one.

  4. Alrighty, meme complete b/c I copied and pasted your answers.
