

I have a cube! I'm stoked. Of course, I still have no computer, but that's just a detail at this point. I'm not all alone in a room that's in the middle of a turf war. (Oh, and while the first rule may be "Never get involved in a land war in Asia", Vizzini was dead wrong about the whole Sicilian-death thing being the second. The second is "Never be the innocent bystander in a turf war at a government agency." The Sicilian-death thing might be a trailing third.)

The gal who sits in front of me leaves her cellphone ringer on. Like set to actually ring. Seems that several other people do as well. I've been setting mine to vibrate, seemed like the courteous thing to do. But what do I know? As it is, her phone rings. A lot. And it starts out with the same intro to "Turning Japanese" by the Vapors. So that song gets stuck in my head. A lot. And I mention this to the guy I know who helped me find this job and he's like, "You know what that song's about, right?" And I'm like, "Um. Japan taking over the world because of their super cheap electronics?" Yeah, apparently not so much. I guess I had a sheltered childhood. I'm not going to ruin it for the rest of you, but if you want to know, consult Wikipedia. (I don't recommend this, by the way. I want my innocent delusion back!) So now the fact that the song gets stuck in my head a ton and I'm walking around singing it to myself is gonna bug me even more.

Hopefully more regular blogging will commence soon. Just as soon as I have more things to do at work than read and less homework stacking up at home giving me very little of interest to babble about. Though I do have grand plans to make cookies from the recipe in Tough Cookie by Diane Mott Davidson this weekend. They rock. Actually, all the recipies I've tried from those books are really good. And the books are excellent little fluffy mysteries as well. Win-win-win.

In the meantime, I leave you with this ponderance: I need a new ringtone...what song should I choose?


  1. Okay, you were right - I really didn't need to know but my curiosity overcame me!

    I have Fidelity by Regina Spektor as my ring tone.

  2. Anonymous6:27 AM

    My illusions, too, were shattered about that song a while back. Oh well. Whaddaya do?

    If you want to annoy your office mates, you could always download "Mickey." :)

  3. Michelle - that is deviously evil...and very tempting. Oh so tempting. Hmmm...

    Rach - I don't think I know that song, I'll have to go poke about for it. Yeah, the whole curiosity thing is bad.

  4. But. . . but. . . a Cube IS a computer. Oh, I thought you meant a G4 Cube Macintosh computer. My G4Cube
