
The Ubiquitous Needs Meme

Apparently, I'm slightly oblivious. Rachel tagged me lo these many weeks ago to do this and I never did. In fact, I saw that she had done it but it didn't register that she tagged me. One thing I need? More sleep, clearly. Now, the problem with this meme and me is that there are way too many people out there in the world named Beth. And some of them have blogs. On which they've already done this meme. So I'm trying to avoid using those particular results (unless it's a particularly clever result.)

Without further ado, 10 things I need:

  1. Beth needs to come chill. Yes, yes I do. Will there be icy beverages?
  2. Beth needs it, so it will be done. And may I just say it's about time people started adopting this attitude?
  3. Beth needs to call a psychic. See, I've always believed that if I really needed to talk to a psychic, they'd know that and call me.
  4. Beth needs to assist you in the application process. You know? I don't think that I do, actually. If you need to apply somewhere, you really should be able to figure out how all on your own.
  5. Beth needs a good spanking. Um...no, I'm good. Really.
  6. Beth needs another car. Again, I think I'm ok. I really like my car.
  7. Beth needs to write her own blog. ...Yeah, see here's the thing...this is my own blog.
  8. Beth needs attention. Sure, couldn't we all use a little more of that?
  9. Beth needs to arrange a conference call with Charles. I'm all for conference calls, they help fill up the day super fast. But who's Charles?
  10. Beth needs to be able to see in order to be able to help. This is very true. I've always appreciated my eyesight.

Now, if by some amazing chance you have actually not performed this meme, go forth and meme! (And leave me a comment letting me know you've done so, would ya?)

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