
Little Bits O' This & That

Yes, it's time for another lovely bulletized post of random tidbits. I know you're psyched!

  • I am slowly making progress on my final projects. I'm down to one big one (which I've actually started) and one smaller one (that's practically finished.) I might survive this semester after all!
  • Yesterday we went to Borders - or as it's fondly known at our house "The Friend Store" - and it was clear that I haven't shopped for books in a while as I came home with 7 books (after making myself put back probably just as many.) I told Tim I thought I might have a problem with book addiction. He asked if I could stop anytime I wanted. I had to admit that no, I don't really think I could. He mostly just laughed. But there was a glimmer of fear in the corner of his eye and I think our next house is going to have to be a former library.
  • One of the books I picked up was Mistaken Identity, the next of the Scottoline mysteries in my queue. I tried to start reading it last night, but it may not have been long enough since I last read one of hers as it's already annoying me. So I shuffled it to the bottom of the stack and picked up Enchanted, Inc. If it keeps up as it's started, it's going to go on my list of books that everyone must read. It's simply charming. And very tough to put down. (Evidenced by the fact that I was trying to read and blowdry my hair this morning, and trying to read and go down stairs - which is never a good thing for me, though I only twisted my ankle and it mostly doesn't hurt anymore now, and I had to force myself to leave it at home lest I try to read and drive. Given traffic this morning I could've easily gotten another chapter read though.) I have no doubt I'll review it later (but not too much later).
  • Robbo has an interesting Civil War post up today. History buff that I am not, I didn't actually realize that it's the anniversary of Gettysburg. But it is, and I learned something, so that can't be all bad.
  • Eric is showing off his ginormous hibiscus - anyone know if these things grow in Virginia? Cause they're huge and quite pretty and I think I might like some.
  • I'm participating in a blog book tour for two new titles by Melody Carlson in August. I'll have things to give away as well - so if you have YA girls in your life who might enjoy free books, stay tuned.
  • Finally, I apparently still need to get my paws on a life:

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