In my Learning Theory project class we have only one assignment - create a course proposal using a recognized instructional development model (ADDIE, CIPP, etc.). The course we chose was supposed to be one we have taught or would like to teach and it needed to be tweaked for an online modality. Since I've taught an intro to programming online before, I figured I'd just go with that, with a few minor tweaks and changes to elongate it and make it more accessible to a high school audience rather than the accelerated format in which I've taught it.
The proposal is chugging along - I really feel like I'm making good progress. The problem is this: I'm only on the second D (Development) and I'm about half-way through that part, and it's already 45 pages long. I'm going to be writing this thing forever. Thankfully we don't have to actually do the development, we just have to talk about what needs to be in the developed pieces. This is translating to about two pages per unit, with thirteen units in total. But every time I think I should try and shorten up my rambliness, I end up realizing that I've left out one of the instructional objectives that I defined for that unit. By the time I go back and add in a description of how I'm going to meet and assess that objective, I've also added in another page.
I wish I could decide how my professor is going to react to receiving a document that's well over 100 pages as my project. I'm hoping he won't be irritated. On the other hand, he can't fault me for being thorough, right?
The thing is, while it's not due til the end of January, I'm really trying to get it done sooner. I have a feeling January is going to be a little busy. And while in college I never seemed to have trouble working on things way in advance of their deadlines, I'm struggling this time around. Said struggling is causing me to wonder if I shouldn't shorten my course to just a portion thereof - which I'm sure I could get away with, but it seems dishonest somehow.
And this post? Pure procrastination. Back to work I go.
2 days ago
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