I'm not sure what it is about this company - though I suspect the word "gross" and "incompetence" factor in at some level - but their system administrator, and I use that title loosely and only because that's what it says on his business cards - seems to feel that IIS resides solely in the purview of developers. I would posit the exact opposite - developers should only need to know how to deploy their web apps under IIS - and honestly? They should really only have to give a deployment package to the SysAdmin with instructions and then she or he should do the deployment. Because that's part of administering a system.
Regardless, I find myself once again battling with IIS and cursing the day whoever created it was born. For ease, I'm simply swearing at Bill Gates - ultimately he's responsible for my misery on so many levels and he has enough money to cushion him from any distress that might come as a result of the eventual realization that he created a monster and set it loose on the world.
Of course, it doesn't help that some genius deployed an app as the default website. Not under the default website, which would allow other web apps to coexist happily. No, AS the default website. Which I think is going to mean that there's just no possible way to get my web app to live with it - even if I create another website because, for whatever reason, I can't get DNS to accept my Host (A) listing. I will fully acknowledge that this may be incompetence on my part because even if you make the argument that developers should be able to configure the heck out of IIS, there is no earthly reason your average developer should be well versed in configuring DNS.
Back I go to continue beating my head on the wall.
1 day ago
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