
Oh! The Whining!

Yesterday evening, our last conversation with the attorney suggested that it might be possible for the birthmother to sign her consent to adopt today, after which the baby will be ours. So, with that in mind, a few quick mental calculations backed up by the wonderful estimating powers of Google Maps, we decided we would need to set an alarm for 5am, hurriedly pack the car, and be on the road no later than 6 so that we might arrive at our Florida destination around lunch or just shortly thereafter.

Then proceeded the third night in a row of Tim composing a symphony of noises that would have done John Cage and his prepared pianos proud (though it was not a follow up to 4'33" by any stretch.) After just over eight hours in the car, I was ready to sleep. Instead I stared at the clock and tried to pretend that there was a rabid animal attacking me in the hopes that that would provide some justification for the insanely annoying noise. I eventually lapsed into unconsciousness sometime after 1:30.

Strangely, when the alarm went off at 5, I woke easily and so it was determined that I would drive first and Tim would take over once he woke fully. I'm not sure when it happened, but somewhere between graduating from college and now, I lost my ability to endure long car rides. If I never get in the car again, it's going to be too soon. (Of course, seeing as how we have to get in the car if we want to eat, I'm going to need to work on sucking it up - but I've got at least a few hours before I have to do that.) Thankfully, Tim started whining about how much time we'd spent in the car before I had to.

Regardless, we are here and checked into our suite. Don't get all excited, it's not that kind of suite, though I am willing to walk around barefoot in the room, so that's a plus. (I will admit here that I am a hotel snob. I am. I understand this. However, I feel my basic requirements are reasonable: a toilet I don't mind sitting on and a floor I don't mind walking on barefoot. Bonus points for sheets I don't have to mentally gear up before slipping between.) This is about at the bottom of what I will tolerate without whining. But we're getting two rooms, a fridge, and a microwave for a little less than we'd pay for a standard room at something like the Hampton Inn (my hotel of choice), so concessions must be made given that we will be here for probably about a week.

So, after all our rushing and getting up early and so forth, everyone who thinks we get the baby today raise your hand. See? You're all smarter than we are. Tomorrow. We will get him tomorrow. (Assuming everything goes well, which I, for one, am desperately assuming. I refuse to even countenance any other outcome at this point because all that driving can not be for nothing!)

What's super cool is that we found out the name the birthmother gave him and the first name she chose was on our short list (not our short-short list, but still). So we will definitely incorporate that. And it makes me happy that we can do it without a second thought.

Pictures tomorrow!


  1. Ohh! Thanks for checking in. I'm dying to hear all about it. Please keep us posted, and can't wait to meet your new little boy. :)

  2. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Glad you are there, waiting with baited breath to meet the little fella.:)

  3. Anonymous9:14 PM

    I hope you can get some sleep. How exciting!

  4. glad to hear you made it safe and sound. sending good thoughts and prayers in your direction.

  5. Sounds like a long, long drive. With all the excitement and concern about things going smoothly, I'm sure sleep is elusive. Can't wait to see pictures tomorrow. More prayers lifted up for the Sleepy family.

  6. Well, get used to the lack of sleep. ;-)

    Can't wait to hear that things are final and to see pictures of your little one.
