I babysat for a friend yesterday and saw that she had a Roomba. Asking her about it, she said she picked it up at a garage sale. I asked if it worked and her response was, "Not really." My sister adores her Roomba (she calls him Sonny - from I, Robot) and I have been lusting after one for a while.
On a wild hair (is it wild hare?), I surfed over to Craigslist and found that there was actually a Roomba listed - and for cheap! So, after chatting with Tim (who just laughed), we zipped down and I am now the proud owner of a used-only-three-times Roomba (it apparently kept eating Polly Pocket shoes) - and it's happily charging so that tomorrow I will experience the joy of robot.
Since my sister's is named Sonny...should I call mine Cher?
1 day ago
Is it noisy while it runs? I haven't seen one working before.