
The New TV Season Is Upon Us

I will be upfront about the fact that I probably watch too much TV. And a lot of it is really bad TV, at that. Still...I'm excited about the new TV season. I have a few "off season" favorites (Psych, Burn Notice, and Royal Pains top that list..USA Network, I love you!) but they are always over long before I'm ready for them to go. (Monk, on the other hand, has stayed at the party too long, and now is that geeky kid who can't take a hint. At least this is his last season. Cause if it wasn't, it would be the last season at our house.)

But, given that I watch a lot of bad TV, you may be asking yourself "What is on Sleepy Beth's DVR these days?" (Ok, I know two things 1) I don't think anyone actually reads my blog anymore other than my sister, and 2) She already knows. However, on the off chance that my delusion about having a reader or two still out there in la-la-land is anywhere near plausible, I'm going to continue.)

Well...I'm glad you asked. Here is the truly terrible TV lineup for the Sleepy's Fall Viewing Pleasure:


  • The Amazing Race 15 -- Starts Sunday (the 27th)! I have my timer set, with the end time extended by 90 minutes so that when the stupid football stupidly pushes stupid 60 minutes back which then stupidly pushes back my awesome show, I'm still set. Stupid football.
  • How I Met Your Mother
  • Big Bang Theory (if you're not watching this, you're missing out. Though it's hilarious...so if you've had a humor-ectomy you probably won't want to try it. Ahem. *cough*Lyn*cough*).
  • Heroes - This is all Tim. I don't get why he loves it, but he does. Meh. He's entitled...I watch a lot of worse stuff.
  • Castle - This is Nathan Fillion (of Firefly etc.)'s new show (newish...was a midseason replacement in the spring) and it's amusing and well done.
  • NCIS
  • NCIS: Los Angeles
  • So You Think You Can Dance - This is a new addition and a bit of a guilty pleasure. Still, most of the folks they show are actually pretty talented.
In November, we'll add V, of course.

  • America's Next Top Model - Though this may be the last season I can deal with Tyra. Really.
  • So You Think You Can Dance
  • CSI: New York - The only CSI to continue to be watchable.
  • Fringe - Again, if you're not watching this, you're missing out hugely.
  • The Mentalist - Ditto the above
  • The Office
  • Community - We're giving it a shot...we'll see how long it hangs in
  • Vampire Diaries - Again, giving it a shot...we'll see how long it lasts
  • FlashForward - Yet again..giving it a shot
Nothing on Friday or Saturday.

Glee had its chance but has already been kicked to the curb. I'll watch some terrible TV, but that was beyond my threshold. House has also been kicked to the curb - I gave Tim the choice between Heroes and House (we can only DVR 2 things at once, and HIMYM and Big Bang are definites) and he chose Heroes. Didn't break my heart. All the CSIs save NY are gone - and depending on where they take some of the characters this season, it may be gone too.

We'll probably give StarGate Universe a shot when it starts in October, but I haven't looked up what night it's on. And I think they're doing another Next Iron Chef, that I'll likely watch as well.

And there you have it...more than you ever wanted to know about our busy little DVR. What's on yours?


  1. is truly terrible tv like dr horrible?

  2. Wow, that's a lot of TV! What's on ours, you ask? Well, it turns out, about 30 episodes of a back pain infomercial (clearly, people in my house don't know how to operate the DVR!) and NASCAR racing. Oh, and something where that Gaddafi clown and Imadinnerjacket spoke ad nauseum at the UN assembly (my hubby insisted I "tape" this). I just added Dancing With The Stars this week because of Tom Delay...egads. 8-}

  3. Something like that Lynellen, yes :)

    Gwynne...it is a lot. Thankfully with the DVR an hour long show is actually like 40 minutes, but there is a lot of stuff that lingers and eventually gets deleted unwatched (e.g. 24 last season..not sure we'll even try this year honestly.) I like DWTS but you have to make choices and it just didn't fit with the other stuff.
