If you're keeping score at home, my PhD study has been approved, then disapproved, then approved, then disapproved, then approved and then, finally disapproved. This has, in turn, left me joyful, then in the dumps, then joyful, then in the dumps...and you get the picture. This last go round, I really figured it was just done. There honestly didn't seem like any good way to fix the problems and changing audiences seemed like a sketchy premise at best - because I'd already *tried* to get approval from the university where I teach and had met with...lukewarm responses (again, at best.)
Well, I gave it another shot and we had a conference call today to go through the ins and outs and, barring any more IRB silliness (although I do get to deal with two IRBs now, whee!), I'm good to go. Again.
I really am hoping this time the good to go status sticks, because I'm not sure I could take yet another 180 on this one.
But with all this...I begin to understand why my 7th grade science teacher used to scream "I EARNED my PhD" at us when we slipped and called him Mr.
3 hours ago
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