No...this post is not about cell phones (though my sister and her husband have iPhones and I am sincerely covetous of them...not the phone bill, mind you, but the phone. One of these days I will figure out a reason to justify needing one. Until then, I have my dorky little Verizon phone)...this is about the joyful and riotous celebrating that occurred at approximately 8:01 this evening when, upon opening my email for the school where I teach I found my IRB letter of approval.
This means I have permission to use their students.
Now I just need to get my school's IRB sign off (though now that I've moved to adults it's 100% exempt and should be a simple matter) and one more letter of permission from where I teach and I can start collecting data for 10 weeks.
Then I can start writing my dissertation report.
Then I can graduate.
This might actually, finally!, fall into place.
23 hours ago