This is the latest in the "God Gave Us" series featuring the polar bear family. In this one, mama bear and little cub go to a museum where little cub learns that God made all kinds of bears and each one is unique and precious - and an example of God's creativity and love. The analogy from bear to people is very clear and easy for even the littlest to grasp (my 3 year old was asking things like, "Like we live here and great-grandma lives in Florida?" which fit in quite nicely with the story - so very easy to grasp at a young age.)
In a segue I didn't quite get (though it worked, somewhat, as an extension of God being creative and the Creator), mama bear also tells little cub that God gave us the world and we are to be good stewards of it. Mama bear then goes on to say that the earth is older than anyone can remember - though the point isn't belabored, so if you're not an old-Earth evolutionist, it's pretty easy to roll with. (That was the only minorly objectionable point in the whole thing.)
In all, it was a delightful few minutes reading on the couch that sent my son up to his room to get the others in this series so we could read them all again.
This book was given to me as a review copy by Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers.
18 hours ago
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