
Wrapping Up The Year

As the year winds to a close, everyone is doing their end of the year lists. As a rule, I don't tend to participate in those, though I do enjoy reading them. That said, I think a brief summary of the year is probably in order, as it's been a good one.

February brought a new addition to the household - and he's an absolute joy to all of us. The elder boy is the most incredible older brother (honestly, I've never seen someone at 4 so enthralled with a sibling, and it just keeps getting better. Frankly, I expected the shine to rub off a few months ago. I'm glad I was wrong.)

July brought a contract for 3 books, the first of which comes out on the 8th of January (gulp)(followed by WHEE!) If you'd like more info on that, shoot me an email (sleepybeth, gmail, you know the rest).

There's been a lot of writing and rewriting in there, as you'd imagine.

We took some fun mini trips as a family. The Reston Zoo is definitely one to revisit. The big zoo is always a hit. We went up to Hershey and rode some rides, saw Thomas, and generally had a good bit of relaxing together.

There's a rather impressive fort in our backyard courtesy of Tim and his dad. It'll be a favorite of the boys for many, many years to come, or I miss my guess.

We've made some good progress with homeschooling the elder boy and he loves it, which really makes it more fun than anything.

All of that means my reading has taken a bit of a hit and I've managed "only" 114 books as of this post. I'll probably try to squeeze in one more before the end of the year just to make the number nice and round. But still, not too shabby.

In all, 2012 has been pretty good to us and I'm looking forward to seeing what God has planned for 2013.

Happy New Year!

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