
A Puppy in the House

There has been considerable debate the last several years as the boys have gotten older about the possibility of a dog.

Hubs has been firmly on the anti side. I have waffled back and forth because dogs are pretty awesome. But I finally landed on the pro side and joined the boys' campaign.

Yesterday, the Sleepy miniature schnauzer came home. He's adorable. But gosh I'd forgotten what puppies are like. He's a nibbly little one.

Still, we managed to keep a surprise from the kids until he came home, and that was fun.


  1. Congratulations! Yes, they can be a lot of work, but IMHO a doggeh around the house is a win on many different levels.

    Let me immediately recommend that if you ever need to board the SMS for trips or the like, the Happy Hounds Lodge near Leesburg is an excellent place. (They'll come and pick up the pooch so you don't have to go out there.)

    1. It's definitely a win - I am having to remind myself that at 6 when he's howling because he needs to go out (bright side - he's howling b/c he needs to go out vs just going inside, also he went 9:30-6,so really, that's quite good for a baby.)

      And thanks for the rec! That's always a good thing to have in the back pocket should the need arise!
