So Saturday was our Awana Grand Prix (think pinewood derby).
Friday night, hubs and I went to set up and decided to take the kids along because it shouldn't take too long to do, after all, this was our third year flying solo and we should have it down.
We have to wait until a Friday night program finishes, so we got there at 8:30 and got going. The track went together well enough, the kids were hanging in if a bit whiny (because past bedtime for one of them). So I grab my laptop and start testing the software just to be sure it's all good.
Yeah. It was not all good.
The driver for the cable that attaches to the electric eye (that tracks when a car goes over it and stops the timer) is now so old that it simply won't run. And there are no updates. We futzed around with it and all sorts of backward compatibility modes etc until 11 p.m.
Eleven. P.M.
The kids were exhausted. I was exhausted. Hubby was just getting his second wind because he's a night person, but in the morning, he was exhausted.
With sick dread in my belly, I went to bed.
Saturday morning, just for grins, I tried the cable again but no dice. So okay. Fine. Whatever. We'd score manually and it'd be fine. Ish.
The races went smoothly enough except for one race when a little girls comes up and says, "Mrs. Sleepy! You sent my sister's car down backwards!"
Well, no one told me there was a preferred way to go, and I put the tape with the number on what I determined to be the rear based on the length of wood in front of the axle. (Per the instructions that come with the wood blocks - which we use as our "rules" - the longer length is the front.) So I said this. Dad says no, the unicorn goes in front. I say okay but it's backward, just fyi. I get hubby to flip the car around. Dad looks ticked, but I don't really understand why since we flipped the flipping car. Even though technically I don't think we should have. But whatever.
Kid went on to win one of the places (can't remember which), so I think all should be fine.
Yeah, all is not fine.
I find out tonight at Awana when talking to his wife that they are never coming back to the church on Sunday morning because of it. And she goes into this litany of how I did everything wrong when the situation arose.
Did I mention this is a family who, until this evening, I would've said we were good friends with? Cause yeah, eldest boy is good friends with their same-aged kid. Youngest boy is good friends with their same-aged-as him kid AND their youngest. But since I am, apparently, the devil, that's now out the window.
I fucking give up, if you'll pardon the French.
Seriously, I question why God thought making me was a good idea. I'm CLEARLY not fit to be around human kind. If one goes with the general consensus, the world would be a considerably better place without me in it.
I'm just so over it - everything is always 100% my fault. How I got to be so special that I only encounter perfect people who don't contribute to problems, I'll never know.
And yes, from know on, the "Kindred Spirits" label will be used ironically. Because if I've learned anything it's that there is no such thing when one comes to me.
22 hours ago
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