
Saturday Random

It's a beautiful, sunny Saturday. I've spent a bit of time out on the deck and anticipate more very soon. But while I'm inside, it seems like a good time for a few little updates:

  • Eldest boy never had anything other than the random, middle of the night puke fest. It's a good thing but one wonders what caused it.
  • Hubby and both boys spent the morning making and firing model rockets with their Trail Life troop this morning. They met at a park to assemble and were getting ready to set up to fire when approached by a ranger to ask what was going on. They were then informed that due to liability concerns the actual launching could not take place there. So they packed up and drove to church to launch. The litigious nature of our society fascinates and appalls me. Who's going to get hurt launching a rocket and then sue the park? Obviously there are loonies out there who would try but good grief.
  • I had lunch with my dad and then meandered to the Verizon store to upgrade my phone. My old phone's battery lasts maybe an hour - less if you actually try to use the thing. So time for new. Went with the next version of my current (Pixel 3) as I'm quite pleased, in general, with Google's phones.
  • And since Google, Apple, and Amazon are going to be the triumvirate that rules the world before much longer, might as well buy in early.
  • I kid.
  • (Not really)
  • Amusingly, my old phone at battery of 68% didn't have enough juice to do the data transfer. So I have both old and new charging (new had the ! in the battery, but it was still game to try) and will try again in a bit.
  • The Sleepy Puppy continues to be a joy and a delight. And he's still my baby. He'll tolerate everyone else in the family, but it's me he loves best. I try to mind. But I can't.
  • I've got corned beef and cabbage ready for tomorrow's lunch. Eldest has been asking about it all March, so he'll finally have his taste buds assuaged.

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