When mom was going through cancer treatment, one of her biggest frustrations was that she couldn't do like she was used to doing. And boy was she ever (usually) a doer. If something needed done? Call my mom. She'd get it done fast, better than you thought possible, and single handedly.
It's a set of skills/traits/characteristics/what have you that both mom and dad encouraged us to also develop.
Given how I've been chomping at the bit this week as I'm told to rest and take it easy, I think it worked.
I hates recuperating.
I can do a few things. I just do them slowly. And then I am tired.
It's all very expected and reasonable and whatever.
Also? Annoying.
Tuesday and today I think I might have pushed a little too far. So Wednesday I spent the bulk of the day more flattened than seemed reasonable, but I did get some quiet time to watch the first Harry Potter movie. Always a favorite.
This week, I've also watched an entire season of Blue Bloods, so I'm all caught up there (I know you were worried). And I stumbled across The Jane Austen Book Club.
I don't know why I hadn't heard of this movie, but I'm looking for someone to blame. So if you knew about it and didn't tell me? On. My. List.
It's cute. Romantic. Jane Austen-y. And fun.
It was absolutely how I needed to spend some time on the couch.
I'm not sure what tonight holds (the boys are all xboxing at present, though youngest got sent to his room because of attitude issues, so that may be over. But if I can talk someone into a romcom, I'm totally going to.
2 days ago
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