
Meatloaf Night

 Tonight is meatloaf night. 

I will admit to being rather agnostic about meatloaf. It's fine. It adds variety. Do I seek it out because I adore it? No.

Eldest, however, despises it. Whenever he sees it on the weekly menu he begins pleading and bargaining with other suggestions to get us out of having it.

I'll admit to a little bit of satisfaction from watching his efforts and then replying, "Nope."

I don't honestly understand his distaste. I mix up the meatloaf much like I mix up the meat for hamburgers when we have them. I don't actually follow a "meatloaf" recipe. So it really is a big hamburger that we cut in slices rather than whatever meatloaf traditionally is. I've even offered to put it on a bun for him.

I tried, at one point, The Pioneer Woman's meatloaf recipe. It's tasty. But a lot of sugar. Like a LOT of sugar. And I'm not going to get the kid to eat it by adding brown sugar and ketchup to everything. Just no.

I have taken her bacon-wrapping bit though and applied it to my own mishmash loaf. Because bacon makes everything better.

(Unless you're the eldest boy. He gripes about the bacon, too. I swear he needs to do more cooking lessons with me soon because he's so picky, no woman is going to continue to cater to him. He's going to have to be in charge of that aspect of life. Right now he just says he'll eat pizza. And, in fact, right now he'd happily eat pizza every meal. Peasant.)

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