
These are the days

I will remember them, yes.

Unless I drink too much at the end of them, which is certainly the desired response to days like today.

I'll be honest, I don't advocate the whole "Mommy needs wine" stuff - alcohol should never be how you cope with having kids.

But OMG there are days when I get it.

The boys managed to rip about 1.5 inches of the home theater screen in a lightsaber vs shock rod battle. 

Youngest has been pinching eldest on the ribs all day when I wasn't looking and I only discovered it when eldest had enough and decked him.

Reading. Well, yeah, let's just say our quest for literacy continues apace.

And I swear the ADHD meds never kicked in today.

There will be gin at bedtime.


  1. Okay, I admit I larfed. Some day down the road you will, too. And don't knock wine: Just think how many fewer of what my friend calls "the Blessings" would make it to adulthood if we didn't have it!

  2. Ha. This is true.

    I was thinking most of yesterday of the Demotivational poster that says something like "Some people's lives serve as a warning to others" and thinking "And some of us are just the comic relief."

    So yeah. Laugh away.
