
Snarky Desk Ladies

Between most of Friday and going on six hours today, I have been sitting in the waiting lounge of this neuropsych testing office and...I'm kind of appalled at the snarkiness of the front desk ladies. I imagine that they've forgotten that I'm sitting in here, for all that they can see me if they peer over the tops of their monitors. 

But they're doing callbacks to people who have had consultation calls to see if they're interested in moving forward with evaluations and...it's just kind of shocking the commentary they make to each other after hanging up. 

"Oh there's another one wasting our time." 

"Sure you're still thinking about it, just say no."

"If I had a dollar for every time a parent got mad about the cost, I could take a good vacation."

And so forth.

Do they not recognize that a) their assessments are stinking expensive and b) there is actually a lot of thought that a [good] parent is going to put into deciding whether or not to move forward?

Like okay, sure, in a perfect world, the parent would return a call quickly and either schedule or say no thanks, but life with kids is a lot. Life with kids who might need neuropsych evals? Even more.

Dunno. Just kind of taken aback by the complete lack of empathy in the front desk staff here.

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