Since today is an election day (primaries for both Republicans and Democrats, though they're expecting low voter turn out - quel suprise - there are some important decisions about candidates to make) I got up 30 minutes early so I could pop out to vote before my carpool arrived at their normal time. Well, shortly after waking, I get a call that one member of the carpool is ill and not coming, thus killing HOV, so I will be picked up at 9. This is fine by me...I consider going back to bed, but the coffee is brewing and it's looking like a beautiful day, so I just go about my regular routine and hop out to vote.
I've never been the 6th voter of the day before! (: Voting accomplished. Check. I zip back home and find I have scads of time yet. So...I consult the handy dandy to-do list and find that I need to do some serious gardening (my roses need deadheading badly, there is dead dusty miller that needs to be cleared away to make room for the new growth, and Tim is complaining that my tea roses have overtaken the sidewalk...which I'll admit they have but no one walks on the thing anyway...everyone comes in our garage or across the lawn. Our sidewalk is the stupidest thing in the universe as it only leads from the driveway on the side of the house to the front door. People who park in the driveway come in through the garage (usually) and people who park in front of the house just walk over the grass. So the roses might as well look gorgeous spilling out over it. But he whined, so I clipped.) So...gardening in the cool is much better than gardening in the evening when it's still hot and muggy -- especially as we have a heat advisory again today. So that's done. Yay! I'm contemplating watering everything now as well but I wanted to check the time and consider if I needed to go change my clothes because even though it's not horribly hot yet, it is getting warm and well, I sweat easily. I think I'm ok though.
Days like today make me seriously want to make an effort to just get up at 5 or 5:15 every day. I could get so much done before carpool time. But every time I try this, I end up quitting half way through the first week because inevitably the minute I try to get up earlier, we also seem to make a push to stay up later. My candle doesn't burn well at both ends. So, we'll see, but the desire is there again...we'll see what it's feeling like when it's time to set the alarm for tomorrow morning. (:
That said, carpool should be here in 20ish minutes, so I will run and water things and then be off to work with a great sense of accomplishment already in place for the day. No matter what work holds, I know I've been productive today. And that is a good feeling.
2 days ago
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