Was Jimmy Buffett wasting away in Margaritaville simply because he was trying to mend his carniverous ways...and that's where he started dreaming about cheeseburgers in paradise?
Review of life of late:
1) Went to wedding in Kentucky this past weekend. Saw tons of husband's family. In general had fun - nothing bad to speak of...but why was it so tiring? I have no idea. Maybe too much partying with all the family we never see. I must be getting old when staying up til 11 or midnight makes me crazy tired.
2) At said wedding, finally met wife of Tim's cousin who also sells Mary Kay. She's very cool. We had fun (or at least I had fun and she looked like she was having fun and I don't think she was being dishonest.) Now I think we're going to have to find reasons to go out that way more often and/or have them come visit.
3) Tim's sister is here for a visit. Jury's still out, but it looks like it may be a good visit. I will admit I was terrified. So, hopefully I will continue to be pleasantly surprised.
4) Found someone at work who actually believes our own press. Now, this is only bad in that the press is generated by the CEO who, if his lips are moving, you should take what he says with a healthy serving of salt. So now, this "capability" has been sold heavily to our potential customer (see last post for more on that) and ...hey look at that, guess who has to go find a unicorn. That's right. Me. Joy.
5) I've discovered I'm really unmotivated to go on a unicorn hunt. So I'm making a to do list. I imagine I'll get to it eventually -- I really need to be able to show some work. But...given that unicorns don't exist, I imagine this is almost as productive as actually hunting for one.
There we have it. You know, a margarita sounds really good right about now.
5 days ago
are we going to have free margarita's at our company too, right beside the free coffee?
ReplyDelete--you know who