
Proposal Girl Returns

Yes boys and girls ...proposal madness has once more descended on our little happy group. And the usual suspects are all in place with just a few new additions. First off, I am proud to be moving up in life and donning the cape of Proposal Girl. My super powers include:

  • Writing up the sections that no one in the company actually knows how to answer. I suppose that blogging actually equips me for this as it is, in some ways, creative writing. However, I would estimate there is 9Million Percent more reality in my blog vs. what will be in these proposal sections. What's the quote? Lies, Damn Lies, and Proposals, right?
  • Carefully masking my rolled eyes and sarcastic comments as those who have had this proposal - and have supposedly been working on said proposal - for upwards of a month now explain that they're still not sure what the difference between a requirement and a WBS level task is. No, WBS doesn't stand for What B.S....but it should.

I have had this assignment for the better part of the day. So far, my third, and by far most powerful super power has been winning out: Procrastination.

And then we have the whole "no more charging to overhead" mandate that has come down from on high...reasonable, definitely....except that we have no paying contracts right now. So I'm not sure where I'm supposed to be putting my time when it's not going toward a B&P. So maybe it was: Lies, Damn Lies, and Time Card Charges.

Beyond that, it has been one of those days where you wander around the office (or sit with the door shut trying to stay under the radar) and just feel like you have no clue. About anything. It's not that I'm overwhelmed. I think, in fact, it's closer to being underwhelmed. I don't believe our press. I don't really think we can do any of the things we say we can do. And I am having issues rationalizing my ability to work for a company where the above two things are true. Maybe the quote was: Lies, Damn Lies, and Company Briefings.

So now, perhaps, I will go and don my cape and get to reading this RFP and flex my creative writing muscles a bit. Really though, proposals were just created by people who enjoy making other people suffer....so I will be off to my Lies, Damn Lies and Sadistics.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:02 PM

    For some reason, I cant post a comment on the topic BELOW this one, the one titled "Perchance to dream"...!!

    This is from Marcia Wieder, "America's Dream Coach", daily email:
    Schedule DreamTime
    Take some time to journal and let your imagination run wild; as carefree as it once was when you were a child. Don't worry about your dream's possibilities or limitations...whether it can or can't happen. Just let go and write about what you truly want.

    Nice sentiment.
    --you know who
