when you're not sure if it's that you're not speaking English or other people aren't hearing it? I don't know exactly how many other ways there are to say, "It's not technically feasible to do X." without grabbing these people around the neck and shaking them while shouting it loudly in their ear. I think I might get fired if I tried that. So instead, I have taken to sending it in email. Email with very small words. And pictures. And examples that have nothing to do with technology - on the off chance that they have some sort of life outside their technical incompetence and maybe comparing it to trying to buy a car at the grocery store will hit home.
I'm not hopeful.
In the meantime (while they're figuring out what to email me next to call into question my ability to understand what they're asking - see, cause that's their theory. I'm saying "no" so it must simply be that I don't understand what they're asking) I'm back to helping Pokey. What am I helping him do? Debug his code. Why he can't do this on his own, I have no idea. But he's trying desperately to convince me that the problem is actually with my code and not his. So I said, "Ok, we'll comment my part out and recompile and see if it is." If it is, I'm ok with that. I'm not infallible. So we do and we run it again, same problem. Pokey's response? "Maybe it still remembers your code used to be there."
Um. Dude. If you take my code out and it's still broken, it's your code that's not working. Code does not remember stuff (esp. not after you recompile, clear out your cache, and restart the services.) Suck it up.
So now, now we may have found a solution and he's trying to convince me that this is what he's already done but I talked him in to doing it a different way. I'm about ready to say "Fine. You're right, it's all my fault." And if I thought that would make him just shut the heck up, I would.
I've never gone to management and complained about having to work with someone before. But I'm really, really close.
2 days ago
Hugs! The guy definitely sounds like someone who doesn't want to admit when he's wrong. Argh. :o