
New Look

More changes may be in the making, but for now I'm satisfied with this step. Better than the dots and enough tinkering for now. I have a few other thoughts that may get added down the line, but ...what do you think?


  1. Anonymous11:17 PM

    I absolutely love it! LOVE IT!!!!!

  2. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Gorgeous photo! Love the look. Maybe adjust the banner size a smidge so we don't have to scroll down as far, but still--great!

  3. Thanks ladies. :) I was thinking about the photo size, Michelle - will probably try to squish it some without losing the feel - great suggestion.

  4. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Yes, I really like it, too. Just the banner photo needs to be adjusted. But the wallpaper is lovely. Did you make it yourself?

  5. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I love the photo and the new(?) tagline! The photo takes a bit longer to load up...but worth the wait. If you do shrink it, maybe a border around it would be nice. I like the wallpaper too.

  6. Ok, shrunk the header some - I think it's better - thanks for the suggestion. I did have to muck up the aspect ratio a little to do that though, so the photo's not quite as crisp but...such is life.

    The photo I took myself, actually. It's in Ireland at Coole Park (which is where Lady Gregory, Yeats' friend, lived. Yeats wrote a lot of his poetry there. Having visited, I see why now). The background is actually something I found for free (!), good ol google. I did put a link at the bottom of the sidebar if you want to see the other stuff this guy's made.

  7. Oh. Gwynne, the tagline's been there all along - just got lost in the other template (one of the things I didn't like). But I'm glad you like it! :)
