
And there was great rejoicing!

After many toils and visciously fought against strings of not-so-nice words (I fought against them, they did not prevail, but I thought them...does that still make it wrong? I ought to get some credit for not verbalizing them, right?)...I have prevailed**!

My little web app now does nifty things when you click something. I'd go into more detail but, well, I can see your eyes glazing over from here. I will simply say, in the immortal words of Tim* (which by the way predates any knowledge of the LlamaButchers - this is a verifiable fact):

I rock the Llama.

That is all.

*Not to be confused with the immortal words of Socrates who said, "I drank what?"
** I am now a Super Genius.


  1. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Yes, you do rock the Llama. Awesome job!

  2. You get demerits for even thinking not-so-nice words.

    Cuss it all but Americans are swearing a lot more says that you're not alone... 74% of Americans polled said they encounter profanity in public frequently or occassionally.

    So make sure you're not part of the 8% (wow, so small!!!) who manage to work the f-word into conversation several times a day!

  3. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Well, if thinking cuss words is wrong...then I am ALWAYS in the wrong. Think away girl..think away!
