
Paul's Profundity

So tonight we had dinner with our friends Paul and Chrissy. First, yummy dinner! But we had an adventurous trip that involved inadvertantly crossing state lines, wandering randomly around various streets etc. The way home was also fraught with adventure, to which Paul replied:

"Once I knew that I wasn't where I thought I was going, I knew exactly where I was."

So there you have it. The corollary to "Whereever you go, that's where you are."


  1. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Hope you had fun!!

    I'm jealous. I was roofing a shed. :)

  2. It's just one of the many reasons we all want to be like Paul. :)

    Michelle, this was definitely better than roofing a shed. But really - other than roofing something else, what wouldn't be? (And haven't you been roofing that for a long time? I was hoping you were finished with that project!)
