Yeah so....the reason I posted nothing yesterday is just that. I've got nothing. So, in order to update you all on my rather mundane life right now, here's a rundown:
1) Homework. Homework is going well, but it's eating up large quantities of time. (Shocker there, I know.) It's also not so horrifically interesting that I will bore you with the details. Though I will say that the statistics part of my research class looks like it's going to be fathomable. Given a line in the text book (written by the prof) that essentially says "90% of all research uses 10% of statistical formulas, so we're focusing on those and if you need the others I have books. The only math you need to do well with statistics are those learned in elementary school - adding, subtracting, multiplication, and division. Well, and maybe taking a square root with a calculator." You know what? I can handle that. It's sure better than the wretched calculus based stats I took in college, the result of which nearly caused me and Tim to break up (until I told him I couldn't study with him because if he started an explanation with "It's easy, see you just..." one more time he would either have been dead or at least hospitalized) and also has made me look askance at urns to this day. Really people - how many urns do you actually want to consider in any given lifetime?
2) TV. Our poor little DVR is reaching capacity. There is just not time enough to watch all the stuff I want to watch. So last night, in an effort to try and relieve some of the intense pressure the poor thing must be feeling right now, I watched a CSI: Miami and an NCIS. I think both were from, oh, three weeks ago? Both were pretty good though I really hoped Alex would have to switch to the night shift for a while to give me a break from her scary teeth. And I'm also just a little amazed that Gibbs would compromise evidence...though at least he hit himself upside the head for it.
3) Crocheting. Since it is starting to get into springtime and that seems to be when all of my friends and relatives start popping out kids like they're tic-tacs, I have gathered to myself the yarn for a baby blanket and when I have time I will start it. (I should combine it with the TV watching, I realize, I just was too lazy to go hunt down my hook last night.) However, I'm very excited about this particular yarn I chose and think it may well be my best blanket yet. If you're reading this and you're my friend and you didn't get a blanket for the birth of one of your children, I apologize heartily and will rectify the omission if you ask. (I tend to miss some people because after a big baby boom, my carpal tunnel is acting up so badly that I need three or four months off before I pick up a hook again.)
4) Doctors. I could go for a good long while about this new doctor I am seeing who has decided that since I'm overweight it's clear that I have diabetes and so today I was subjected to the 2 hour GTT, again. This is like the 4th time I've been through this. It's always fine. And while I can see that sure, maybe it's worth investigating now and again since there is a family history of diabetes, you'd think they would at least wait for the 2 hour monstrosity until either a urine test shows something worth investigating or I start having some kind of classic diabetic symptom. But after all, doctors are supreme beings and we lesser mortals should not question their whims - er, superior knowledge.
That and he had so much blood drawn that my hands and arms resemble those of a four year old who got hold of the band-aid box when mommy wasn't looking. My veins suck, but they never listen. They have to poke and prod in my arms before they finally acknowledge defeat and go for my hands. I promise you, no matter how much more a hand stick hurts than an elbow stick - by the time you're finished digging around in both elbows with a minimum of three sticks per side - the hand doesn't even register on the pain scale.
And that is the random, assorted nothing that is currently my life. See why I didn't bother to post yesterday?
3 days ago
i feel for you. I am the same way. Drink lots of water before going in and tell them, "Look, you will have to use a butterfly needle on the back of my hand. Yes, I know it hurts more. But it hurts less than you poking my elbow multiple times"
ReplyDeleteAnd honestly, I find that the back of the hand bruises less and stops hurting sooner.
Also, no one person should try you more than three times. If the same person keeps poking you, ask for someone else. It's your right.
Other tricks include using a blood pressure cuff instead of the tie-off, it can get a tighter pressure.
Can you tell I've been there before? I have RA, and they want to monitor my blood because of the meds about once a month.
I've been there before too, with the excessive needle poking...NOT pleasant! I pray you don't have diabetes, but it's wise to be checked periodically if it runs in your family.
ReplyDeleteNeedle poking, AND statistics in the same semester? Oh, that's painful! I only took business statistics in college, which I imagine is like Calculus Statistics For Dummies, but fortunately as an accountant, I learned all the math/stats I need to know in kindergarten...or maybe 4th grade...and a bit of 8th grade algebra...thank God! Good luck with your classes!!
I'll forgive you for the missed hand crocheted baby blanket. That was a number of years ago. I don't think we'd "met" yet. ;-)
Cool, thanks for the tips! I will try to keep them in mind next time I have to deal with them. I hadn't heard the blood pressure cuff, but it makes sense since half the time they try to take my blood pressure I lose feeling in my fingers. I just don't like doctors much. :)