
The I Meme

I haven't seen any quizzies that are reaching out to grab me (will look around a bit more today though) so...for starters I will do the I meme seen at Beth's and Jen's.

I AM: a child of God.
I WANT: a baby.
I WISH: I did a better job at loving my in-laws.
I HATE: the word hate.
I MISS: Ireland.
I HEAR: my iPod (currently playing the Dandy Warhols).
I WONDER: what the right answers are.
I REGRET: very little.
I AM NOT: as thin as I used to be.
I DANCE: when no one is looking.
I CRY: when I want to.
I AM NOT ALWAYS: patient.
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: blankets for other people's babies and a zillion little pots for myself.
I WRITE: novels that I'm too chicken to show anyone.
I NEED: more hugs (can you ever have too many hugs?)
I SHOULD: be working right now.
I START: with enthusiasm.
I FINISH: what I start.
I TAG: whomever wants to play along.


  1. I WRITE: novels that I'm too chicken to show anyone.

    Beth, seriously, you should show someone. I like the way you write. I like the way you talk about books. I would love a peek at a book you wrote.

    Like many people who read a bunch, I suppose, I want to write a novel. But I never have, so I'm immensely impressed with anyone who has. More so if I get to read said novel.

    Go on. Let someone read one of your novels! I'll volunteer. And if by some slim chance I don't like it I promise I wont make tooo much fun of you! :)

  2. Anonymous11:13 AM

    What a beautiful meme! I might have to try my hand at it one day.

    I didn't know you wanted a baby. Just out of curiosity, what's stopping you from having one right now?

  3. GLG - Hm. We'll see. There's that whole chicken thing. You know, I seriously doubt that a REAL chicken would ever cross any kind of road. They'd be too chicken.

    Cinthia - I thought it was a neat meme too (obviously). Hope you do it sometime, it'll be fun to see your answers. Short answer to the baby question - biology. One of these days I'll probably post about it, but for now it remains the subject that shall not be blogged about. :)

  4. Cinthia, what's stopping Beth is that every time she goes into BabysRUs, they are out of stock on babies!

    I agree that we should all file a class-action suit for false advertising.

    I mean, really...can you imagine ToysRUs not having ANY toys for sale??!

  5. Well, yeah - I'd forgotten about the whole BRU issue. Darn false advertisers... ;)
